The SMIL Emulator
Version 1.2
It is with great pleasure that I can finally announce version 1.2 of SMILemu. This release has one main new feature: SMILemu now generates sound! (And the volume control indeed controls the volume of the sound that SMILemu generates, as it should.) There is a new tab in the Options window that allows you to configure whether sound should be enabled (the default) or not, and which bit in which register should be used as the source for the sound.
The manual has been updated with a brief section on the sound capabilities of SMIL and SMILemu, and to describe the changes in the Options window.
Please try it out, and feel free to comment!
An improved version of SMILemu, version 1.1, is available immediately. This release contains bug fixes, improved unit tests, and includes a nicer documentation browser, as well as a facility to extract the documentation from SMILemu into a directory of your choice for offline reading or printing. Additionally, SMILemu 1.1 can run as an Applet in your web browser, presuming you have a Java 5 runtime installed.
Main Fixes:
In 1956, SMIL — Siffermaskinen i Lund, 'The Number Machine in Lund' — was deployed at the University of Lund in Lund, Sweden. SMIL was built based on the blueprints for BESK, Binär elektronisk Sekvens-Kalkylator, 'Binary Electronic Sequence Calculator', constructed in Stockholm in 1953 by Matematikmaskinnämnden, 'The Mathematics Machine Committee'. Both BESK and SMIL were based on the design that had been produced by the Institute for Advanced Study, usually referred to as the 'IAS Machine' design, which was used by several computer projects throughout the world.
To give today's computer users a feeling for how far the world of computers has advanced in just 50 years, I present SMILemu, and emulator for SMIL, implemented in portable Java 5, licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later. SMILemu attempts to honestly recreate the experience of using SMIL, including SMIL's original execution speed. To make the emulator and the emulated SMIL more accessible to a modern audience, SMILemu implements a number of optional extensions that make SMIL's memory and processor accessible in a way which was not possible in 1956, but gives a much easier view into the workings of SMIL.
SMILemu is Copyright © 2005-2007 Christian Brunschen. You may download a copy under the provisions of the GNU General Public License, version 2 . Please see the file gpl.txt included with SMILemu, or the GPL Web page.
Download the SMIL emulator as a Java Archive, '.jar file' | SMILemu-1.2.jar |
Download the SMIL emulator as a Mac OS X Disk Image | SMILemu-1.2.dmg |
You may also run SMILemu as a Java Applet, if you have a Java 5 Runtime installed:
SMILemu 1.2 Applet
The documentation is included with SMILemu, available to read or extract from the Help menu. Alternatively, you can read the documentation here, or download as a .zip file:
Quick Start Guide |
SMILemu Manual |
Download Documentation as .zip archive |
Copyright © 2005-2007 Christian Brunschen